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Poinsettia Groves, Inc.

Poinsettia Groves, Inc.

Citrus Gift Shipping

About Us

Poinsettia Groves started as Greenleaf Groves by Harry Jones in 1947. Harry must not have cared for the citrus business because he sold to Robert and Clara Page in 1948. Robert planted quite a few poinsettia plants in the front of the packing house and changed the name to Poinsettia Groves. Apparently the Pages didn’t enjoy the fruit business too much either because they sold to Elly and Eve Dennett and Sid and Lucie Johnson in 1949. The Dennetts and the Johnsons ran the business together until the Johnsons decided to retire. They sold their interest to the Dennett’s daughter and son-in-law Betsy and John Hudson who moved up from Miami with son Jeb-age 2 and daughter Pam-age 1 in 1957. The Dennett and Hudson families worked together until 1971 when the Dennetts retired. The next change was in 1977 when Jeb joined the business after graduating from Stetson University. Jeb runs things now while his wife, Cindy is a retired kindergarten teacher. They stay busy with their sons Cody, Sam, Jack, Riley and Ethan and daughters Bailey and Ava.

After 73 years we have decided to sell our property on US 1. When our packing house was built in 1947, we were considered slightly off the beaten path. But now we are right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Vero Beach, on US 1, and because of that we got “an offer we couldn’t refuse”, so we knew it was time to sell the property.

While we may not be where we used to be, we’re not going away. We’ve moved our packing to another facility and we’ll still be able to ship our tasty Citrus gifts that you’ve always enjoyed.


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Rep/Contact Info

Jeb Hudson