Gifford Youth Achievement Center, Inc.

Non-Profit OrganizationsNon-Profit / Children's Services
About Us
The Gifford Youth Achievement Center, a 501(c)(3), opened its doors in 1998 with the sole purpose of enhancing the academic performance of children in Indian River County.
The nonprofit organization, governed by a volunteer board of directors, focuses on resource-limited students in Indian River County. In addition to year-round educational programs and activities for youth, GYAC provides activities for adults and seniors citizens, such as exercise classes, bible study and educational training. The Center also hosts job fairs, health clinics, community gatherings and serves as an information hub for those in need of services. The Center serves an average of 200 adults and students per day.
GYAC features:
Educational Afterschool Program (students in K-12th grade)
Summer Camp (students in K-12th grade)
Beyond Special K (BSK) (adults and seniors)
Rep/Contact Info
Angelia Perry
Executive Director
- Phone: (772) 794-1005
- Send an Email
- 4875 43rd Ave. Vero Beach FL 32967