Go Sing it on the Mountain: A Cantata for Christmas
Date and Time
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Sunday, December 18, 2022 9am & 11am
First Presbyterian Church 520 Royal Palm Blvd Vero Beach, FL 32960
Contact Information
Ginger Lagemann
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On Sunday, December 18, 2022, the First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach will present a special worship service for Christmas entitled Go Sing it on the Mountain. Performances will take place during the 9am and 11am services in the church sanctuary at 520 Royal Palm Boulevard, Vero Beach, FL, 32960. Admission is free to the community. The Chancel Choir and Symphonic Orchestra at First Presbyterian Church will present this beautiful work. Featured soloists, guest musicians, and haunting melodies will present a worship experience unlike any other. The birth of Jesus is a scene of awe-inspiring humility: God in human form, born in a lowly manger for our salvation. Pepper Choplin's distinctive folk-infused musical style is particularly well suited to capturing this story. Employing a highly inventive mixture of mountain melodies, folk hymns, spirituals, familiar carols, and original music that is sure to surprise and delight, Go Sing It on the Mountain proclaims the good news from the prophet Isaiah's proclamation, "Comfort, O comfort my people!" to the final exuberant celebration: "Joy to the world! Christ is born!" For more information, contact Ginger Lagemann, Music and Arts Publicist, at (772) 562-9088 or ginger@firstpresvero.org